The mysterious history of Tibetan jewelry

Tibetan jewelry, history, photos, Tibetan jewelry online

Our Tibetan jewelry does not come from Tibet but is made by Tibetans in refugee communities in northern India or Nepal. Large Tibetan communities have fled Tibet, annexed by China in the 50 years, to establish themselves in India and Nepal. Moreover, the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government in exile are in Dharamsala, in northern India.

The soul of Tibetan jewelry

Jewelry has never been worn by Tibetans just to embellish themselves. Indeed, Tibetan jewelry is linked to Buddhism, or serves as amulets. Today the most famous in the West are the mala necklaces / bracelets, a sort of Tibetan rosary that the monks string out by reciting their 100 prayers (108 beads: 100 prayers and 8 omissions). These malas are now available in necklaces, multi-wrap bracelets or thin bracelets, also called lucky bracelets or zen bracelets.

Amulets and lucky doors

In time the jewels held places of bank reserve, or indicator of social status. Most of the jewels made of precious metals, silver or gold, were considered auspicious and lucky. In southern Tibet, a woman who did not wear an ornamental headdress was a sign of bad luck. This led the women to sleep with their huge headdresses until the 50 years.

Tibetan jewelry, social symbol

For men, jewelry was a symbol of their position in society. Like the gun, sword, and saddle, a man's amulet was an indicator of social status. "Gun, sword", I can see your surprise from here, but yes some Tibetans were great fighters. The Tibetans of Kham, better known as Khampa / Khamba, are traditionally known as the warriors of Tibet. The Khampa follow another known branch of Buddhism.

Whether from Beijing or Lhasa, the Khampa have always resisted foreigners. Throughout their long history, Khampa fought against anyone trying to settle in their area. At the beginning of the XNIXXth century, several European and American explorers were killed by the Khampa - including Jules-Léon Dutreuil of Rhins, Louis Victor Liotard and Albert Shelton. Kham is one of the three main regions of Tibet. The Kham is 20 times bigger than Sweden or California.

Contemporary Tibetan jewelry

The bags are very popular in Europe and the West. These necklaces / bracelets are meditation supports and are used to count the “Om mane padme um”. Tibetans also make very pretty prayer box pendants, in solid silver.

Find our pretty photos on Instagram and our Jewelry online.

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