The spiral is a strong and very old symbol. It symbolizes the cycle of life, unity or expansion. The spiral is a dynamic system which concentrates or develops depending on whether the movement is centrifugal or centripetal. The spiral symbolizes the journey in the concentric circles of thought, of the universe and represents personal development, self-fulfilment and the drive towards “the other”. The spiral is the opposite of the labyrinth where it is easy to get lost, it is an open and optimistic pattern

In the Christian tradition the spiral represents the breath of life, which embraces Man and draws him to God at the same time. In Hinduism, the god Shiva, driven in his crazy and perpetual dance, evokes a comparable movement. In the Celtic traditions, the triskel, composed of three spirals enclosed in the same drawing, symbolizes three of the four elements (earth, water, fire), the past the present and the future, or the three ages of life: youth, middle age and old age.

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