lotus seed
The lotus seeds are related to the rebirth and development of the spirit. Like the lotus flower that grows and blooms beautifully in muddy water, the lotus seed symbolizes spiritual growth and the ability to rise beyond the obstacles of life. The lotus seed is believed to promote spiritual and material prosperity.
One of the oldest flowers to appear on Earth and having not changed much since its appearance, the sacred lotus is paradoxically at the center of the most recent technological research ... It is its leaves that are of great interest to researchers, and in particular their hydrophobic and self-cleaning properties, which allow them to remove all dirt, even the most stubborn. It is the “lotus effect” due to a combination of electrical and physical properties at the nanometer scale, which causes the water drops not to adhere to the leaf, roll on it, carrying the dirt away. Researchers are now able to manufacture self-cleaning windows based on these properties.
The sacred lotus also surprised scientists a few years ago because of the exceptional longevity of its seeds. In China, they found lotus seeds older than 1 000 in the dry bed of an ancient lake. They put them in cultivation ... and they managed to germinate them! This property is undoubtedly due to the hardness and the tightness of the envelope which protects the seeds.
They finally found that the sacred lotus flowers are "thermoregulatory": during the pollination period, they generate heat and can increase the ambient temperature up to 30 ° C! This would be a mechanism selected during evolution to attract pollinating animals.