Category: Guide to natural stones

Discover the virtues of natural stones

This guide to natural stones brings together articles on fine stones and gemstones used in jewelry assembly. Find the virtues of fine stones, gemstones and semi-precious stones. For each stone we offer you information on lithotherapy, their symbolism, their virtues and sometimes some anecdotes.

Natural turquoise ring - protection stone

Natural turquoise ring – protection stone

The natural turquoise ring is the ultimate protective and soothing jewel. We explain why in this article.

The natural turquoise ring, the timeless jewel!

Turquoise is a blue-green colored gemstone that has long been used for decorative and medicinal purposes. In lithotherapy, turquoise is considered a protective stone that helps strengthen positive energy and ward off negative energy.

When worn as a ring, turquoise is believed to help calm the mind and improve communication. It is often associated with the throat chakra, which is related to self-expression and communication. By wearing a turquoise ring, women can boost their self-confidence and their ability to express themselves clearly.

But the turquoise ring also has a unique aesthetic appeal that is inexorably appealing. Its bright, shimmering color makes it a popular jewelry piece for any occasion, from casual wear to dressy evenings. Turquoise pairs well with other gemstones, such as coral or onyx, to create elegant and timeless ring designs.

In short, the turquoise ring is a versatile jewelry choice that combines both beneficial lithotherapy properties and an attractive aesthetic appearance. If you're looking to add a splash of color and style to your jewelry collection while enjoying the benefits of crystal healing, the turquoise ring could be a great choice for you.

Fall for a real turquoise ring

Turquoise through the ages

Turquoise is a gemstone that has been used for thousands of years by different cultures around the world. The Mayans believed that turquoise had magical powers and considered it a sacred stone. They used it to create jewelry, mosaics, and carvings to honor their gods. North American Indians also considered turquoise a sacred stone and often wore it as an amulet to protect against evil spirits. They also believed that turquoise had healing properties and used it to treat stomach aches and headaches.

Tibetans also have a long history of using turquoise. They consider the stone a symbol of protection and good fortune. Tibetans believed that turquoise had the ability to protect against negative forces and diseases, and often used it to make amulets and talismans. Turquoise jewelry was also very popular among Tibetan nobles. Even today the Tibetans wear the turquoise ring as a signet ring or even on several fingers, they also wear the turquoise in the form of Dzi (pronounced zee) this oblong pendant.

Turquoise has also been used by other cultures around the world, including the Egyptians, Persians and Greeks. The Egyptians used turquoise to create jewelry and ornaments for the tombs of the pharaohs, while the Persians considered turquoise a symbol of wealth and power and often used it in the jewelry of nobility. The Greeks also used turquoise to create jewelry, but also considered it a protective stone that could help dispel negative energies.

In summary, turquoise has been used for thousands of years by different cultures around the world. The Mayans, North American Indians, Tibetans, Egyptians, Persians and Greeks all considered it a gemstone with protective, healing and magical properties. Even today, turquoise is highly valued for its unique beauty and its soothing and protective properties.

Tibetan jewelry Omyoki

Tibetan jewelry, history, photos, Tibetan jewelry online

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Lapis lazuli properties and virtues

Lapis lazuli properties and virtues

Are you crazy about jewelry with this beautiful deep blue fine stone? Discover our article dedicated to Lapis lazuli properties and lithotherapy.

Lapis lazuli properties and virtues

Lapis lazuli is a semi-precious stone with a deep blue color, sometimes mottled with white (calcite) or golden glitter (pyrite). The use of lapis lazuli dates back more than 6500 years! Loved by the Egyptians, Babylonians, Chinese, Greeks and Romans, this deep blue stone has been used in the finest works of art throughout the ages. One of its most famous uses is in King Tutankhamun's death mask. One of his successors, Cleopatra, used ground lapis lazuli as eye shadow. Marco Polo wrote about lapis lazuli mining in 1271.

In the Middle Ages, painters ground lapis lazuli to make the dark blue paint known as "ultramarine", the blue used to paint the dresses of Mary of Nazareth on the walls and ceilings of churches, including the Sistine Chapel. In South America, pre-Columbian cultures, including the Incas, carved, traded, and fought over lapis lazuli from the mines of Argentina and Chile.

Lapis lazuli Lithotherapy properties

Since the dawn of time, lapis lazuli has been associated with strength and courage, royalty and wisdom, intellect and truth. In ancient Egypt, lapis was powdered and worn around the eyes to improve eyesight. Today, it is considered by some to help balance the brow chakra (which influences vision and hearing). Imbalances of the frontal (or blue) chakra are said to cause headaches, anxiety, and skin disorders.

Lapis lazuli is also a symbol of cheerfulness and harmony. It is a stone of love and friendship, which creates an aura of tenderness and sympathy around its owner. Lapis is particularly recommended for nervous people, on whom it has a calming action.


The two-part name for this stone comes from two different cultures: lapis is a Latin word meaning "stone", while lazuli comes from the Persian word lazhuward, meaning "blue".

Stones and chakras

Lapis lazuli can be used on the third eye and forehead chakra. Applied to the 3rd eye chakra, it solicits intellectual properties and intuition.

Maintenance of lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli has a hardness of 5 to 6/10, 10 being the hardest stone, diamond. It is a natural stone quite sensitive to shocks.

To maintain your lapis lazuli stones, simply wash them with clear water. Professional ultrasonic cleaning from jewelry stores is not recommended for this semi-precious stone.

Lapis lazuli has a medium hardness, which makes it harder than many other popular stones, but more fragile than many transparent gemstones. Lapis is sensitive to pressure, heat, and household cleaners. Clean the lapis with warm soapy water. Wipe dry with a soft cloth and store dry, in a bag or box where the lapis can't get scratched or scratched by other jewelry.

Lapis lazuli jewelry & fair trade

Omyoki offers lapis lazuli jewelry, handmade and created in collaboration with our partner artisans in India. Original creations, in limited editions, and sometimes in unique pieces. This video puts in image, this history of know-how and craftsmen.
Each workshop was visited, to check the working conditions, the quality of life and the fair remuneration of the craftsmen. A personal relationship has been established with each artisan, around countless teas and spending hours chatting, as it should be in Asian countries.

Some of our lapis lazuli jewelry

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Tourmaline virtues

Tourmaline virtues

This stone is beautiful to swoon over! Whether mounted in earrings, a bracelet or a necklace, it always creates a sensation. Discover the tourmaline virtues and lithotherapy of this beautiful stone.

Tourmaline virtues

Tourmaline is a magnificent gem with colors as varied as that of a rainbow. Its wide range of colors: black, green, brown, yellow, red, pink, blue, yellow, colorless or multicolored, comes from the different chemical elements that compose it: iron, manganese, nickel, cobalt, titanium… Its name is derived from Sinhala word (language spoken in Sri Lanka) "tournamal" which means "stone with mixed colors". Tourmaline, although present on all continents, is widely imported to Europe, by Dutch sailors bringing it back from the Kingdom of Ceylon.

The majority of tourmaline comes today from Brazil. The other main deposits are located in Afghanistan, India, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Burma, Russia and Thailand.

Tourmaline Lithotherapy virtues

Tourmaline is known for its electrical properties that give it a role in protecting the body against static electricity and radio waves from all kinds of electrical devices. In lithotherapy, tourmaline is known to act as a detoxifying agent. These crystals promote relaxation of the body and mind.


It is believed that the first tourmalines were discovered by the conquistadors in Brazil in the 1500 years. At the time, it was assumed that these green tourmaline were emeralds. It was not until the nineteenth century that scientists realized that these stones actually had their own kind of mineral.

Maintenance of your gemstones

Tourmaline has a hardness of 7. It is a note on 10, 10 being the hardest stone, the diamond. It is a semi-precious stone very ure and resistant to shocks.

To maintain your tourmalines just wash them with clear water. It is a fine stone that does not need to be cleaned. To recharge the tourmaline it is enough to expose it to the light of the sun or the moon.

Fair trade jewelry

Omyoki offers tourmaline jewelry, designed in France and then handmade by talented artisans in India, Nepal and Tibetan communities. Original creations, in limited editions, and sometimes in unique pieces. This video puts in image, this history of know-how and craftsmen.
Each workshop was visited, to check the working conditions, the quality of life and the fair remuneration of the craftsmen. A personal relationship has been established with each artisan, around countless teas and spending hours chatting, as it should be in Asian countries.

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Kyanite, virtues and benefits

Kyanite, virtues and benefits

Kyanite or kyanite is also called kyanite. Its name was given to it by Abraham Gottlob Werner in 1789. It comes from the Greek "kuanos" or "blue". Kyanite is colorless and owes its famous blue color to the presence of chromium. Its color then varies from blue to purple, passing through green, yellow, pink, white, brown and gray. The main deposits of are located in Brazil, Nepal, but also in Austria, Kenya, Myanmar, Zimbabwe.

Properties of kyanite

Kyanite is the stone of "letting go". It is a stone of intuition and self-acceptance. Soothing for buried anxieties and fears, kyanite promotes deep and restorative sleep for both mind and body.


Kyanite is a stone sensitive to shocks and makes it a little stone used in jewelry. Yet some Asian cultures make jewelry in kyanite, for its virtues. The result is spectacular considering the aesthetics of the stone.

Maintenance of your gemstones

Kyanite or cyanite has a hardness of 4 to 5 on the faces of the prism and 6 to 7 transversely. It is a note on 10, 10 being the hardest stone, the diamond. It is a semi-precious stone that is relatively fragile and sensitive to shocks.

To maintain your kyanite stones just wash them with clear water. Professional ultrasonic cleaning of jewelery is not recommended for this delicate semi-precious stone.

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Fair trade jewelry

Omyoki offers kyanite jewelry, designed in France and then handmade by talented artisans in India, Nepal and Tibetan communities. Original creations, in limited editions, and sometimes in unique pieces. This video puts in image, this history of know-how and craftsmen.
Each workshop was visited, to check the working conditions, the quality of life and the fair remuneration of the craftsmen. A personal relationship has been established with each artisan, around countless teas and spending hours chatting, as it should be in Asian countries.

Our kyanite jewelry

Hemimorphite virtues, properties

Hemimorphite, virtues and benefits

Hemimorphite is a fine stone, transparent to translucent, with colors ranging from colorless to white, yellow, gray, blue, purple, pink, green and brown. A quality hemimorphite stone is usually blue or green, and has some similarities to chrysocolla, smithsonite, and turquoise. The main hemimorphites lie in Australia, Algeria, Mexico, and Namibia.

Properties of hemimorphite

Lithotherapy is a gem used for the treatment of detox, to cleanse and purify the liver and blood. It improves healing and reduces dermatological problems. Hemimorphite is a stone of inner calm. It opens us to communication with our deep self and others.


Hemimorphite is an important source of zinc, since it contains more than 50%. It has two peculiarities, it is pyroelectric (electrically charged when heated) and piezoelectric (electrically charged when rubbed).

Stones and chakras

Hemimorphite can be used for the heart chakra and throat chakra.

Maintenance of your gemstones

Hemimorphite has a hardness of 5 on 10, 10 being the hardest stone, diamond. It is a semi-precious stone that is relatively fragile and sensitive to shocks.

To maintain your hemimorphite stones just wash them with clear water. Professional ultrasonic cleaning of jewelery is not recommended for this delicate semi-precious stone.

Fair trade jewelry

Blue hemimorphite braceletOmyoki offers hemimorphite jewelry, designed in France and then handmade by talented artisans in India, Nepal and Tibetan communities. Original creations, in limited editions, and sometimes in unique pieces. This video puts in image, this history of know-how and craftsmen.
Each workshop was visited, to check the working conditions, the quality of life and the fair remuneration of the craftsmen. A personal relationship has been established with each artisan, around countless teas and spending hours chatting, as it should be in Asian countries.

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Rose quartz bracelet - Properties of rose quartz

Properties of pink quartz

Among the properties of pink quartz, the main one is to catalyze love and serenity. It is a fine stone in peach colors with shades ranging from pale pink to deep pink, with varying degrees of transparency. Quartz is very present all over the planet and pink quartz is not a rare stone. The main deposits of pink quartz are found in Brazil and Madagascar, but also in India, Sri Lanka, Europe ...

Properties of pink quartz in lithotherapy

In lithotherapy, rose quartz symbolizes love, initiation and serenity. Rose quartz fights against inflammation of the genital system, such as the tubes, ovaries. It removes anxieties, depressions, insomnia. Rose quartz is considered a comforter, it is believed to heal both physical and emotional wounds. Its contact reassures, reinforces self-confidence and the capacity to accept oneself as one is.


In the Greeks, pink quartz was the symbol of Initiation. For Muslims, it is contemplation and for the Indians it would be the stone of maternal deity.

Stones and chakras

Rose quartz can be used on the heart chakra.

Maintenance of pink quartz

Pink quartz has a hardness of 7 on 10, 10 being the hardest stone, the diamond. It is a fine stone relatively resistant to small shocks.

To maintain your pink quartz stones just wash them with clear water. Professional ultrasonic cleaning of jewelery is not recommended for this semi-precious stone.

Rose quartz & fair trade jewelry

Omyoki offers rose quartz jewelry, designed in France and then handmade by talented artisans in India, Nepal and Tibetan communities. Original creations, in limited editions, and sometimes in unique pieces. This video puts in image, this history of know-how and craftsmen.
Each workshop was visited, to check the working conditions, the quality of life and the fair remuneration of the craftsmen. A personal relationship has been established with each artisan, around countless teas and spending hours chatting, as it should be in Asian countries.

Properties of pink quartz

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Discover our rose quartz jewelry

Benefit from the properties of rose quartz by wearing it as jewelry. Ideally, it should be in direct contact with your skin with a rose quartz bracelet or pendant. But having this natural stone on you, in a ring or earrings will also release its properties.

Jewelry with stones

Turquoise, properties and virtues

You are crazy about jewelry in turquoise ? This stone is a gemstone that has been used for thousands of years by different cultures around the world. Tibetans have a long history of using the turquoise. They consider the stone to be a symbol of protection and good fortune. Tibetans believe that the turquoise has the ability to protect against negative forces and diseases, and are often used to make amulets and talismans. Jewelry made of turquoise remain very popular among Tibetans who wear it as ring, in a signet ring or in the form of a Dzi (pronounced zee) an oblong-shaped pendant.

Turquoise, properties and virtues

Turquoise offers a variety of colors ranging from light blue to dark blue, veined with black. Turquoise deposits are found in many countries: Tibet, China, Iran, Afghanistan, Mexico, United States (Arizona), Chile, Australia, Israel, Tanzania. Very present in Buddhist, Nepalese, or Tibetan, it symbolizes material and spiritual wealth. Turquoise blue in Buddhism represents the life of humans in their life / death duality and earth / sky wisdom.


In lithotherapy, turquoise is an emblem of courage. This semi-precious stone is also considered to be a source of well-being. It is also a symbol of wisdom. It arouses the nobility of feelings, indulgence and generosity.


The etymology of the name "turquoise" comes from Turkish stone, because it is in Turkey that the Europeans found it (and that although the mineral was imported from Iran). She gave her name to the turquoise color.

Stones and chakras

Turquoise can be used on the neck and throat chakra.

Maintenance of turquoise

Turquoise has a hardness of 5 to 6 out of 10, with 10 being the hardest stone, diamond. Its friable structure makes it delicate to work in jewelry and sensitive to shocks. It is a porous natural stone, it is sensitive to perfumes, to perspiration (jewelry in contact with the skin), to household products, all of which can alter its color.

To maintain your turquoise stones just wash them with clear water. Professional ultrasonic cleaning of jewelery is not recommended for this semi-precious stone.

Turquoise & fair trade jewelry

Omyoki offers turquoise jewelry, designed in France and then handmade by talented artisans in India, Nepal and Tibetan communities. Original creations, in limited editions, and sometimes in unique pieces. This video puts in image, this history of know-how and craftsmen.
Each workshop was visited, to check the working conditions, the quality of life and the fair remuneration of the craftsmen. A personal relationship has been established with each artisan, around countless teas and spending hours chatting, as it should be in Asian countries.

♥ Find our pretty pictures on Instagram, or follow us on Facebook

Discover our turquoise jewelry

Labradorite properties and virtues

Labradorite properties and virtues

Labradorite is a semi-precious gray-black stone with intense blue highlights. A stone of character, whose essence blue highlights are raging at the moment.

Labradorite properties and virtues


In lithotherapy labradorite is the stone of protection par excellence, forming a barrier against mental pollution. It absorbs negative energies to protect the wearer. Labradorite is the Yin stone for its opening and Yang for its radiance. Labradorite is a stone that brings balance, helps to overcome stress and promotes intellect, inspiration and intuition. In terms of health labradorite is used to balance the disorders related to the digestive system, as well as hormonal and menstrual disorders. It is also effective for stimulating the muscular system and the blood circulation.


The name of labradorite comes from the area in which it was discovered, Labrador, in northern Canada.

Stones and chakras

Labradorite can be used on the solar plexus chakra to promote friendships and relationships with others. Applied to the 3rd eye chakra, it solicits intellectual properties and intuition.

Maintenance of labradorite

Labradorite has a hardness of 6 / 10, 10 being the hardest stone, the diamond. It is a natural stone quite sensitive to shocks.

To maintain your labradorite stones just wash them with clear water. Professional ultrasonic cleaning of jewelery is not recommended for this semi-precious stone.

Labradorite & fair trade jewelry

Omyoki offers labradorite jewelry, designed in France and then handmade by talented artisans in India. Original creations, in limited editions, and sometimes in unique pieces. This video puts in image, this history of know-how and craftsmen.
Each workshop was visited, to check the working conditions, the quality of life and the fair remuneration of the craftsmen. A personal relationship has been established with each artisan, around countless teas and spending hours chatting, as it should be in Asian countries.

♥ Find our pretty pictures on Instagram, or follow us on Facebook

Discover our labradorite jewelry

Benefit from the properties of labradorite by wearing it as a jewel. The ideal is that it is in direct contact with your skin with a labradorite bracelet or a pendant. But having this natural stone on you, in a ring or in earrings will also release its properties.

Amethyst, properties and virtues

Amethyst, properties and virtues

Amethyst is a beautiful pale purple to pale purple stone. The light passing through this semi-precious stone embellishes it and enhances its limpidity. Amethyst jewels are often made of silver because these two materials marry perfectly. Crimped stones are often full and rarely pruned.

Amethyst, properties and virtues

In lithotherapy, amethyst is used to fight excess (alcohol, drugs, tobacco ...). Stone of plenitude, it is particularly suitable for hyperactive and stressed. It promotes spiritual elevation, concentration, meditation, intuition, creativity and visualization. Amethyst helps to detach from material futility.


The name of the stone comes from the Greek "Amethustos" which means "who is not drunk". The Greeks and Romans drank from cups of amethyst to protect themselves from the effects of alcohol.

Stones and chakras

Amethyst can be used for the solar plexus chakra to soothe gastric pain and contribute to the proper functioning of the liver. It can also be used with the basic chakra to calm anxiety and anger.

Amethyst maintenance

Amethyst has a hardness of 7 / 10, 10 being the hardest stone, the diamond. It is a natural stone moderately sensitive to shocks.

To maintain your amethyst stones just wash them with clear water. Professional ultrasonic cleaning of jewelery is not recommended for this semi-precious stone.

Designer jewelry & fair trade

Omyoki offers amethyst jewelry, handmade and made by artisans from India, Nepal, and Tibet. Original creations, in limited editions, and sometimes in unique pieces. To learn more, read our article which illustrates this story of know-how and artisans.
Each workshop was visited, to check the working conditions, the quality of life and the fair remuneration of the craftsmen. A personal relationship has been established with each artisan, around countless teas and spending hours chatting, as it should be in Asian countries.

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Discover our amethyst jewelry

MYKONOS golden amethyst ring
The initial price was: €17,00.The current price is: €12,00.
Moonstone Jewelry - Properties and Virtues of Moonstone

Moonstone, a female stone

Moonstone comes mainly from India, Brazil, the USA and Australia. Moonstones in jewelry Omyoki come from India and sometimes from its close neighbor, Sri Lanka.

White to bluish white, moonstone is a stone of light. Jewelers cut it and crimp it so as to let light filter through the gem. Moonstone is made up of thin strips of feldspar and this bluish reflection, called adularescence or Schiller effect, is, in mineralogy and gemology, a shimmering under the surface of the stone of light, in the different layers of feldspar. It is a marked effect in moonstone and labradorite.

In lithotherapy, moonstone is recognized as an essentially feminine stone. It promotes a good hormonal balance. Moonstone develops intuition and brings softness and tolerance for hard and severe people.

Maintenance of the moonstone

Moonstone has a hardness of 6 to 6,5 / 10, 10 being the hardest stone, the diamond. It is a stone sensitive to strong shocks.

To maintain the moonstone just wash it with clear water. Professional ultrasonic cleaning of jewelery is not recommended for this semi-precious stone.

Designer jewelry & fair trade

Omyoki offers moonstone jewelry, handmade and made by artisans from India, Nepal, and Tibet. Original creations, in limited editions, and sometimes in unique pieces. To learn more, read our article about our craftsmen and their know-how.
Each workshop was visited, to check the working conditions, the quality of life and the fair remuneration of the craftsmen. A personal relationship has been established with each artisan, around countless teas and spending hours chatting, as it should be in Asian countries.

♥ Find our pretty pictures on Instagram, or follow us on Facebook

Discover our moonstone jewelry
